IISample Pages
Table of Contents
(The items are presented by alphabetical order of the heading sentences at the top of each item).
- [The] Alphabet on one page: languages and scripts
- Chinese: Reconstruction of Old Chinese, Middle Chinese, Proto Chinese, Miao (a language group close to Chinese)
- Clusters of consonants: Searching regularities of clusters of consonants: Proto Indo-European words with initial "y". After Pokorny, "Indogermanisches Woerterbuch"? (A. Dybo).
- (A-D) Early stage of Nostratic Research by
Aharon Dolgopolsky –
pages from a handwritten big copybook containing roots from various language families A B C D - False cognates (within the frame of Nostratics): a few examples which might look like appropriate correspondences for various reasons; but A. Dolgopolsky shows their failure due to lack of etymological reconstruction, with revealing some phonetic sources leading to phonemic + semantics
- German (right side) reflections (reflexes?) of Indo European (left side) and Nostratic roots: collecting and putting the data in a sketch-like way
- Nostratic: Indo European + Afroasiatic parallels; hypothetic comparisons
- Proto-Semitic reconstructions: handwritten sketches (including Hebrew semantics)
- [One] single root reflected in many languages –
two documents
Document I: the root k-r-m-l in various languages (including their scripts) plus sheets with Chinese, Egyptian, Sumerian samples
Document II: the root k-r-m-l in various languages (elaborated into a list for Israeli students) - [One page from] Sino-Tibetan dictionary (first draft) by Starostin and Peiros (the pencil forms written by Starostin) with blue-ink hypotheses of A. Dolgopolsky
- I.-Svitych: manuscript draft pages from I.-Svitych’s 1st volume Nostratic (Borean) and Indo-European correspondences (= early stage of Nostratic research)
- Symbols invented by A. Dolgopolsky for morphological, phonetic and semantic processes. Hebrew semantics